Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our Values

1. The centrality of Christ as the focus of our fellowship. Worship, ministry and evangelism all derive motivation and significance from the Lord Jesus Christ who is head of the church and makes us all one in his body.

2. Submission to the Bible as the authoritative Word of God in all matters relating to both individual and corporate aspects of the Christian life. Though everyone in the fellowship may not share an identical understanding, we are committed to following the principles set forth in the Scriptures.

3. Every endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace between individual believers and among communities of believers (local churches).

4. The active diligent pursuit of personal and corporate holiness by all members of the community of faith.

5. The nurture and integration of successive generations into the corporate life of the assembly.

6. Both tradition and innovation in fair measure. Tradition honours that which was good in the past. Innovation explores what works better in the present. Together they provide a foundation and give us hope for the future.

7. The proclamation of the truth in love through public preaching, small group interaction and personal relationships for the purposes of evangelism of those outside of Christ and edification of believers.

8. The development and use of spiritual gifts, natural abilities and acquired skills by all believers in the fellowship to bring glory to God by encouraging and serving others.

9. Diversity within the body of Christ manifest in personal and social differences, a variety of spiritual interests and spiritual gifts within the bounds of decency and order.

10. Servant leadership at all levels of the assembly where authority is derived from holy living, demonstrated discernment, practical wisdom and care for others. Human leadership under the direction of the Spirit guides the local assembly within the purposes of God.

11. The expression of God’s grace toward others in devotional, work, relationship, and leisure activities regardless of race, religious background, or sociol-economic status.

12. Advancement of the cause of foreign and domestic missions through the development of workers, financial support, strategic prayer and commitment to extending Christ’s love to the community at large through significant social action.

13. Compassion for all those in need of God’s grace, whether those needs are spiritual, social or personal. While recognizing that we can’t do everything, we do what we can.

14. The role of process and growth through which unbelievers come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and then, as Christians, become conformed to his likeness.

15. The use of the arts and literature as means of communication to be used in worship, edification and evangelism.

16. Excellence in the execution of all ministry activities so that God is honoured by both what we do and how we do it.

17. Distinction between personal, cultural, and spiritual values. While all have their place, it is our shared spiritual values that hold us together.

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